Left: “Prince of Peace,” by Akiane Kramarik; right: a portrait of Adolf Hitler, artist unknown.

Being like Jesus (and Hitler)

A meditation on polarity, and sharing a Myers-Briggs personality type with the masters of good — and evil


“There is all this untouched beauty, the light, the dark both running through me. And is there still redemption for anyone?” — Over the Rhine

Finding out that my INFJ personality type is commonly associated with Jesus’ personality was, about five years ago when I first began researching Myers-Briggs, a really funny joke.

It was a fun little way to punctuate conversations.

“Oh, yes, well, I guess that’s just my inner Jesus shining through.”

Lololz…yeah, I didn’t get it back then. Not really. Not the way I understand it now, having peered over the dark side of the coin.

There is, as the fundamental Laws of the Universe dictate, always another side.

As Thoth tells us in the mysterious Emerald Tablet:

“Opposites are identical in nature.”

This essay has been moved to The Creativeonion Network, where members support my work through a monthly subscription. Check it out here: creativeonion.me.



marjorie steele

poet, educator, hillbilly gnostic pagan. teaching business to designers.