A finished batch of syrup, still in the pan

Fuck fake news: it’s maple syrup season, bitches

A ranty meditation on what actually matters

2 min readMar 9, 2018


I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. The most recent news cycle’s onslaught of establishment narratives, fear-fueled hysteria, warmongering, psyops, and our renewed cold war with Russia — well, it’s got me just beat.

I was halfway into a big deep dive on truancy legislature (prompted by my family’s recent experiences) when the Florida school shooting happened, and before I could gather a sense of the situation and what I felt was adequate information to write an essay, the censorship wave hit independent digital creators like a tsunami.

Now I just don’t even know what to talk about.

Partially because I just finished up a massive three part investigative deep dive for local outlet RapidGrowthMedia on homelessness, housing, and homeless services here in Grand Rapids — the midwest’s Destination City for Homelessness. I took probably close to two dozen hours of interviews, with every resident, client, business owner and Executive Director I could fit into my schedule.

You’d never guess this by watching cable news or slogging through Aunt Becky’s Facebook feed (or a lot of Medium’s feed, of late), but real journalism is fucking hard, long work. It takes time. And it’s exhausting.

I just don’t have time or energy to investigate and combat all these current news cycle shenanigans right now.


Because it’s maple syrup season, motherfuckers, and this bitch has got more important shit to do. Specifically: make massive quantities of maple syrup.

This story has been moved to The Creativeonion Network, where members support my work through a monthly subscription. Check it out here: creativeonion.me.



marjorie steele

poet, educator, hillbilly gnostic pagan. teaching business to designers.