Can you see the giant duck?

Narcissistic abuse: the undiagnosed cancer in gender politics

Abusers come in all incomes and sexes

marjorie steele
2 min readSep 24, 2018


Narcissistic abuse is like those Magic Eye optical illusion pictures from the 90’s, where it just looks like an abstract pattern when you stare directly at it. Only those who know how to let their eyes go slightly out of focus can see the hidden picture of planets, or the USS Enterprise, or whatever. Some people can see it easily, others can stare for days without seeing anything more than the abstract pattern.

But that doesn’t mean the real picture isn’t there.

It does create a weird scenario, however, where two people can be staring at exactly the same image and draw wildly different conclusions about its contents. So different, that the person only seeing patterns might think the person claiming to see the USS Enterprise is off their rocker.

Especially if no one else knows how to see the picture inside. Then that person seeing the USS Enterprise seems, by context, entirely delusional.

This actually pertains to what psychologists refer to as “mass delusion” — like the story of the emperor’s new clothes, or footbinding, or childhood genital mutilation. As long as it’s backed by “tradition,” everyone accepts it, no matter how obviously batshit the belief or practice.

We — at least here in the states, as I can’t speak to other countries — seem to have a mass delusional problem with narcissistic abuse. Specifically in that we mostly pretend it doesn’t exist, even though its warp engine core is right in our faces.

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marjorie steele

poet, educator, hillbilly gnostic pagan. teaching business to designers.